The Importance of Shopping

Today, with the increase in chain stores and advancements in technology, customer convenience should be one of the main priorities for store owners, and undoubtedly, store equipment plays a significant role in this regard. The shopping cart wheel is one of the essential equipment that is mandatory in every supermarket and hypermarket. It usually consists of a basket, a chassis, and four wheels, which are used for the convenience of customers and for easy transportation of various food items, beverage bottles, and breakable utensils. Without a doubt, it can be considered the most practical tool in stores. In this regard, the active design and development departments in the field of manufacturing shopping trolleys have endeavored to keep pace with the latest world technology and create a new shopping experience by introducing smart shopping cart wheels into the market. The new generation of trolleys is divided into two parts: the first part includes a combined scanner and keypad designed on the handle of the trolley, and the second part is a full-color tablet placed in front of the wheel, providing you with the necessary information.

This smart shopping trolley is designed in such a way that it can identify your knees and move automatically, eliminating the need for you to push the cart yourself. In this mode, all you need to do is scan your shopping list on the tablet, and you can even locate the desired items and add their prices to the shopping list. As you walk through the store, an infrared scan determines which aisle to follow to find a specific item you are looking for among the numerous shelves and refrigerators. When you place the item in the basket, its barcode is scanned, and if it does not match the predefined price, it alerts you that you have mistakenly picked up the wrong item. It also has the ability to select the preferred type of the item and provide you with its description. The best part is that it generates a receipt for you at the end of the shopping trip, eliminating the need for you to stand in long queues at the checkout counter to pay.

This project is currently in the preliminary stages and undoubtedly requires extensive testing and trial and error before reaching the implementation phase. Nonetheless, retail technologies are moving towards providing even greater customer convenience and striving to excel in comparison to traditional shopping methods.

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